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Boy Scout Troop 72, Middletown, CT

Reference Library


Scouting Web Sites

Boy's Life Magazine - Lots of information, and FUN stuff too!

Boy Scouts Online Training Site - Safety Afloat, Safe Swim Defense, Hazardous Weather and more! You need your Scout ID to register. Click on a course to get to the registration area. Note: If won't take your BSA ID because "someone else" is using it log off and return to the log in screen. Then use the "Forgot your User Name" option and then enter in your BSA ID and Birthdate. You can find your correct log in ID there. (if you don't know the password, use the forgot password option). Still need help? Call the National Service Desk at 972-580-2267.

How to Re-Print a Training Certificate (PDF) - Use these instructions to Print Copies of your Certificate, such as Youth Protection, etc.

Merit Badge Information and Merit Badge Worksheets

US Scouting Service Project - Excellent site for printing off Merit Badge Worksheets. It has the list requirements for each Merit Badge, and also has Worksheets that can be viewed and printed in document or PDF formats.

Boy Scout Trail - Lots of helpful information about earning Merit Badges and Merit Badge Worksheets. To print out the Merit Badge Worksheets from this site, click on the Merit Badge link, then scroll down through the requirements, then at the bottom, click on the Worksheet link and print.

Orienteering Skills

Compass Tricks and Tips - Get prepared by studying basic map-and-compass skills using this great how-to article on the Boy's Life web site.

Web Sites That Teach Knot Tying

Animated Knots by Grog - Learn to tie knots the fun and easy way!

Navy League Knots - Developed by Lt. (NL) Larry Richardson for Navy League use.

Staying Safe

Thunderstorm Safety - Red Cross Thunderstorm Safety Information